How can I set up a quiz that will give automatic points when it is re-taken?

Students will take the quiz individually, and then as a group. When the group takes the test, if they score a certain score (ex: 93 + = 2 extra points) they will have points added to the original test.
Example: Student 1 takes the test and scores a 77%. Then is put into a group that takes the same test with 1 person submitting and they score a 93%. All the students in that group have earned 2 extra points. How can I set this up so that it will automatically add the extra points to the original grade for the correct group?
Best Answer
Hello @Stephanie.H.864
Thank you for contacting us via Brightspace Community!
May I suggest you to open a support ticket with us for us to further investigate this request please?
Kind Regards,
Thank you. I have put this in as a ticket.