Allowing students to see test answers for a limited time

I give the same test to all students so I do not want them seeing their results until all students have taken the test. I know how to set up a different view to allow them to see their results. However, I only want them to be able to access their test results for a certain amount of time once they reopen it. How do I set that up?
Welcome to the Brightspace Community.
When you set up a second view, you are given the option to edit its availability dates.
So first you may set up your primary view as desired. Then, you will be able to set up a second view and add its availability dates as follows:In the quiz editing area,
- Go to the lower right corner and click "Customize Quiz Results Displays"
- Next, click the blue link right below the primary view "+ Additional View"
- Then, the first setting you will be prompted to edit is its availability dates.
- Finally, after editing it, scroll down and click "Create" and then "Okay".
Please let me know if this helps.
If I did it this way, the student can access the test for an unlimited amount of time…which would allow them to copy the questions….I’d like to set it up in a way that when they open it for review, they only have maybe an hour or two to look at it. I understand that I could set up a 3rd view that closes the review window but then the student is locked into looking at the test at the time frame I establish which may not work for them based on work schedules. Can I set up a view that establishes a limited time for them to open and view their results with the time meter starting once they click on the test for that review?