Seeing stats before publishing grades

Dwayne.C.769 Posts: 3 🔍
edited May 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
Is there a way to see the stats for an exam that I had my class take online before I publish the grades? I want to be able to see them so I can see if I need to throw out a question.


  • If you have permission to see statistics in quizzes, then you will see a Statistics tab when you enter Quizzes. From there, you can select the quiz and drill down to the Question Stats. If you're not seeing this, then ask your administrator to give your role the See Stats for Any Quiz permission.

  • Dwayne.C.769
    Dwayne.C.769 Posts: 3 🔍

    Thank you for the response. I am able to see Statistics if I publish the quiz results. When I don't publish is when I have the issue. The data is blank if I don't. Would that be an admin issue or am I missing something?

  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 163

    Hi @Dwayne.C.769

    That doesn't sound like the expected behaviour as you would still be able to see your quiz statistics even if its results haven't been published.

    That is unless you are attempting to check your quiz statistics from the Grades tool. If that's the case, you are right: you can only see the statistics for a grade item once you publish the quiz results associated with it.

    If you would like to see statistics before quiz results are published, you must access them through the "Quizzes" tool:

    • Go to Quizzes,
    • From the Quizzes list, click the dropdown menu of the quiz you would like to see statistics for
    • Finally, click Statistics.

    Done. Accessing "Statistics" directly from the Quizzes tool allows you to check up on stats even if quiz results have not been published.

    Let me know if this helps.