Saving Drafts in D2L Discussion Board

I am currently navigating the D2L platform and have encountered a problem with the discussion board functionality. In Blackboard, I am accustomed to using the 'Save Draft' feature to work on my posts over time before submitting them. I have looked for a similar option in D2L but have not been able to locate it. If D2L does not have this capability, how can I save drafts of my posts?


  • Michelle.T.865

    Hello @Alexander.T.545,

    Thank you for your question. Save Draft is a feature in the Discussion Tool. Here are the steps I followed to get to this area shown below:

    1. In Discussion tool, go to a Discussion Topic
    2. Select the name of a topic to go to the topic
    3. Select the "Start a New Thread" button
    4. Enter a title before saving as draft
    5. See the option to "Post" "Save as Draft" or "Cancel", select "Save as Draft" (I have highlighted it below)

    6. You will be returned to the Discussion Topic. Here, you can filter by Drafts to see the previously saved thread:

    Please let us know if this is helpful!

