Rubrics not appearing as graded

All our Rubrics that have been graded in Brightspace are no longer appearing as graded for our students.
See first screenshot from a learner’s account stating Criterion score as nil/ 10.
Then see second screenshot from an admin account showing Criterion score graded as 10/10.
This hasn’t been a problem in the past, the rubrics have been set up correctly with the rubric visibility set to ‘Rubric is visible to students’.
Can this please be amended as soon as possible.
Screenshot 1 – Learner account view.
Thanks heaps! Kind regards Hannie van den Heuvel Leo Cussen Centre for Law |
Hi @Hannie.v.731 - Have your evaluations been published? If they're only saved as draft, then the students won't see their evaluations.
If they have been published, please reach out to our support help desk and get a case started!