Is there a way to input an on-paper exam (MC questions) and student responses for test analysis?

Brittany.H.475 Posts: 2 🔍
edited February 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I recently conducted an in-person exam with my students using scantron. However, I would like to find a way to input the exam MC questions and possible answers, as well as each student's answers and grade on the exam for test data analysis in D2L. Is there a way this can be done? I imagine it would take a bit of manual entry work on my end (which I don't mind doing) but I wasn't sure if this was even a possibility. Has anyone done this before or found a way to get the info into D2L to see the stats? Thank you!


  • Hi @Brittany.H.475 -

    Importing questions into the quiz library is the easy part - getting the answers in is going to be more complicated. I don't think that there is an easy way to do so, since we usually only support uploading the grades and not the answers. Our Quiz tool and its analytics are intended for use by learners taking their exams online.

    You may be able to find a partner that can help with this workflow, though I can't think of any today.