Duplicating Groupsets

Is it possible to duplicate group sets and the groups set up within them?



  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    You can use the standard import/export/copy tools in Course Admin to create the structures. If you want to transfer the enrolments too then the trick is to give each group a code which is unique but predictable, eg OrgUnitCode-gp1, OrgUnitCode-gp2.

    Then copy those to your new course and rename the copies using the same naming convention (ie update the OrgUnitCode)

    Back in the original course, export the Gradebook with the option to include Group enrolments. From there it's a reasonably simple bit of Excel work to get a batch file that you can import into the new module with the Bulk User Management tool, having used a find and replace on the appropriate column to update your OrgUnitCode.

    (Yes, it does feel like there should be something simpler!)

  • Thanks for this Steve.B.466 that's very helpful!

    Ideally, I would like to duplicate within a course though… and the Copy Components just won't let me do that… I might try and adapt your suggested methodology using the module course and my own sandbox.

    Thanks again!

  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    You can export to a file and reimport to the same course