Duplicating a module Brightspace

Brian.H.951 Posts: 4 🔍
edited January 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I have created a template module with descriptions, formatting, tables, instructions, etc. I want to know how to duplicate the module so students get a consistent experience. The core modules will be the same with changes depending on the chapter. I do not want to recreate the core experience for 14 chapters. In every other LMS I have used there was a copy button or duplicate button, but I can not figure it out, I can copy the structure, but not all the contents with formatting.


  • Stan.S.520
    Stan.S.520 Posts: 44 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi Brian,

    Try using the Course Builder tool. You can copy structure of a Module. You cannot copy the contents that way, though.


  • Brian.H.951
    Brian.H.951 Posts: 4 🔍

    Thanks for responding, I have done what you said before and found out that it does not copy contents. I have a template with content I need to copy over and over ( one for each chapter ). Then I insert the new information for the chapter. I can do this in Canvas and Blackboard, but I can not figure it out in Brightspace. The amount of time to redo this content 14 times is staggering.

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 412 🎆

    @Brian.H.951 Depending on what is in the module, these may or may not be worth it, but here are some options:

    A. Copy the module into a development/testing course, then copy it back into the original course as many times as needed (Course Admin → Import/Export/Copy Components)

    If the module is only a few HTML pages:

    B. Copy and paste the HTML files in Manage Files first to duplicate them as many times as needed, then use Upload/Create → Add from Manage Files in the modules

    C. Create new HTML pages in the modules using Upload/Create → Create a File and apply the original pages as templates from the Select a Document Template drop-down list (choose Browse for a Template and you can select any HTML page saved in Manage Files)

  • Brian.H.951
    Brian.H.951 Posts: 4 🔍

    Thanks for the feedback Jennifer, I have exported the module and imported it back, but what it does is when I make an HTML change in the original modules it adds the changes to all copied modules, even though I have changed the name and location of the module.

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 412 🎆

    @Brian.H.951 I forgot that when copying HTML pages using Import/Export/Copy Components, you have to rename them in Manage Files after each copy. D2L just overwrites HTML pages of the same name instead of creating duplicates or even asking if you want to overwrite the original. So if you've copied the same HTML page multiple times without renaming, only one actual HTML file will exist in your Manage Files area and all your modules will be referencing that one file. If you update it in one module, that same change will appear in all your modules since it's just loading that one same file.