Brightspace wysiwyg editor strips out some CSS

Ashley.B.525 Posts: 3 🔍
edited November 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I've been trying to add "style=user-select: none;" to some Brightspace test questions to avoid students copy pasting questions into ChatGPT. However, Brightspace seems to strip this CSS away every time the question is saved.

I assume there is a way to get around this from an administration standpoint, but our IT department is busy: Can you point me in the direction where I can send my IT people to potentially enable this, if possible?


  • Brian.P.603

    The brightspace HTML editor will expectedly strip some HTML/CSS/Javascript.

    Widgets and content have the least restricted HTML editor.

    The reasoning for stripping some HTML/CSS/JS is due to potential issues it may cause with some specific tools.

    It depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what is being stripped.

  • Ashley.B.525
    Ashley.B.525 Posts: 3 🔍

    "It depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what is being stripped."

    As stated in my original question: "I've been trying to add "style=user-select: none;" to some Brightspace test questions"

    Can you be more specific about whether or not there is a potential solution to this from an IT administration standpoint? Or is "style=user-select: none;" restricted even from IT administration configurations?