Is it possible to send an enrollment email automatically from Learning Groups tool?

Is it possible to send an enrollment email automatically from Learning Groups (LG) tool? When assigning learning from the LG tool, is it possbile to set things up so that learners get a message that they were assigned a course to complete (sent automatically from the system)? We are only using LG and not Manager Dashboard. Thanks!
Best Answer
Hello Olivia,
I apologize for missing your message. If your organization has end-user support with D2L, please submit a support request, so that we can look into it and escalate if necessary.
Hello Olivia,
The answer is "rather no than yes".It is completely up to the students how they set up their notifications via their Brightspace account (the top right corner > The gear icon > Notifications).
We can point them at this option so that they choose the events that they want to be automatically notified about, but if they don't, the instructor does not have the authority to receive these notifications.
However, the instructor can mail the students via the Classlist and advise them where they can check for recent changes (and it is possible that different students will see different things, depending on their groups, assignments etc.). Instructors can also post announcements on the course's home page.
Hi @Dmitry.L.956,
Thanks for your response but I am looking to send out an auto-email for course enrollment. In the Manager Dashboard (MD) and Learning Groups course from D2L it states that I can turn on the following variable for auto emails to go out to people enrolled in courses through Manager Dashboard: d2l.Tools.ManagerRole.SendEnrollmentNotification. I looked and that variable is not listed in our system. Also, not sure if it would work for assigned learning from LG instead of MD.
Also, I checked and course enrollment is not an option for notifications.