Learner Quiz Submission View: Hide Learning Objectives
Hi all,
I have created a quiz that has multiple Learning Objectives associated to it. The quiz result display page has been configured to not display any grades, or other data about their quiz attempt. When I complete the quiz as a learner, I get the usual "Your work has been saved and submitted" screen. When I click "Done," I am taken to another page called "Submissions", which shows my individual attempts, and a summary of my Learning Objective results. I do not want the Learning Objective results to be displayed. How can I hide this?
Hi Laura,
Thank you for contacting us through community!
In order to hide the competency evaluation after the quiz attempt of the student, please follow the below steps:
1. Go to competencies page.
2. Click on Settings on the top right.
3. Under Org Unit Settings > Display to Users on this page, uncheck these options:
(i) Competencies
(ii)Learning Objectives
(iii)Independent Learning Objectives
4. Click on Save.
Now, when the user finishes attempting the mentioned quiz, the competency evaluation won't be shown after that.Thanks,
Thank you so much Sreelakshmi, that worked perfectly.