Learner Quiz Submission View: Hide Learning Objectives


Hi all,

I have created a quiz that has multiple Learning Objectives associated to it. The quiz result display page has been configured to not display any grades, or other data about their quiz attempt. When I complete the quiz as a learner, I get the usual "Your work has been saved and submitted" screen. When I click "Done," I am taken to another page called "Submissions", which shows my individual attempts, and a summary of my Learning Objective results. I do not want the Learning Objective results to be displayed. How can I hide this?



  • Sreelakshmi.N.546

    Hi Laura,

    Thank you for contacting us through community!

    In order to hide the competency evaluation after the quiz attempt of the student, please follow the below steps:

    1. Go to competencies page.
    2. Click on Settings on the top right.
    3. Under Org Unit Settings > Display to Users on this page, uncheck these options:
        (i) Competencies
        (ii)Learning Objectives
        (iii)Independent Learning Objectives
    4. Click on Save.

    Now, when the user finishes attempting the mentioned quiz, the competency evaluation won't be shown after that.



  • Laura.K.347
    Laura.K.347 Posts: 4 🌱

    Thank you so much Sreelakshmi, that worked perfectly.