Rubrics - changing default score when selecting the level

Hi everyone,
When grading using the rubrics tool, the max score for a level will be set by default, for the selected level for each criterion. Can the default score be pre-set by instructor to use the minimum or other score for that level? Eg. in the screenshot below, when the 'Excellent' level is selected, instead of 100, can we preset it to 80 or 90? Thanks for any advice!
Hi Mun Hin,
Thank you for reaching out to us via community!
The score that will be shown upon selecting a rubric criteria is based on what points is set while creating Points based rubric in Rubrics tool.
However, here while evaluating the users, instructor can click on the score as like you highlighted and then increase or decrease the score. Eg See screenshot below
Thanks Sreelaksmi. Yes, we are aware that the scores can be individually adjusted. However, if the default score can be set to a different default, instructor can reduce the amount of manual score adjustment required, especially for a large class, where many students could achieve 'Excellent' level but not necessarily getting 100 points.
Hi Mun Hin,
We understand the concern. However, at the moment we don't an other option to adjust /set a different default other than the adjustment that I have suggested above
Ideally, the purpose of adjustment provided in the rubric tool as I mentioned is to cater the situations where instructor want to give a score other than the default score set during the rubric set up.