Bulk unenroll learners from specific Course Offering

Tim.A.924 Posts: 9 Analytics Builder Transition
edited September 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

We have Course offerings used for resources and communications, which the learners get refreshed every year as new students join/graduate.

Is there a way to remove all learners from a site, in lieu of the manual approach?



  • Hi @Tim.A.924 ,

    Thank you for reaching Brightspace Community!

    Assuming student enrolment is happening manually not through SIS, you can use Bulk user management to or Intelligent agent to bulk unenrol users from courses.

    For the bulk user management you need to go to Users>Bulk User Management> and download Bulk Unenrol Template.

    For the Intelligent agent you can set the role " learner" and set the action to unenrol the from the current course.

    Hope this helps !


  • Hi Tim,

    Yes, you could create an Intelligent Agent in the course offering to run at a scheduled time to perform an unenroll of the users in the course.

    See step 15 in the following resource https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/3496-set-up-intelligent-agents

    Hope that helps!