Is there a way to know which students did/did not open Brightspace emails sent by the instructor?

John.T.67 Posts: 33 🧭



  • Bharti.B.332
    Bharti.B.332 Posts: 111

    Hello @John.T.67

    Thank you for reaching us through Brightspace Community!

    All read receipts are obtained at the email provider if Send Only mail configuration is enabled since everything is sent there.

    If you are using internal email, you can accomplish this by going into the Email>Settings section and checking the box for "track activity for messages sent to internal email addresses.

    To view the aforementioned setting, the role must have the permission "See the Activity Logs for Sent Email Messages" enabled at the Organization and Course Offering Levels.

    More information on the setting can be found in the below knowledge base article.

    Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact.


  • John.T.67
    John.T.67 Posts: 33 🧭

    Yes, thank you, I do check my sent emails. However, it's been a demotivating experience since the read receipts show very few of my students are reading their emails within Brightspace email. Instead (if they read their course emails at all 😀) they rely on reading Brightspace email notifications in their campus Outlook accounts. Any suggestions to get students to read their course emails within Brightspace? Or to read their emails at all? 😲I've already tried many, many ways to increase engagement.

  • Nikhil.P.90
    Nikhil.P.90 Posts: 133

    @John.T.67 Hi John,

    Currently, the feature to track if students have read their emails in Outlook does not exist.

    There is a below feature request submitted in Product Idea Exchange that aligns with your ask,


    External Email "read receipt" and "delivery receipt" to see if students received and opened mail (D2370)



    To increase student engagement, I kindly request you use the Activity Feed tool in your courses.

    More information on the Activity Feed tool is found in the below articles,



    Thanks and Regards,
