D2L Assignment Feedback Issues

Hi All,
In the last several years, we have had multiple instructors connect with us about issues with Feedback, specifically on Assignments (we still call them Dropboxes at my institution). However, this could be an issue for feedback on quizzes and/or discussions.
Basically, for one reason or another, feedback does not get saved or is only partially saved. We have yet to find the cause (all instructors know they need to click on Save Draft or publish, plus there are multiple pop-ups stating that there is unsaved work, wifi dropping at inopportune times, etc.). This has resulted in a lot of time lost, a bit of headache, and overall frustration.
We are reaching out to see if any other institutions are having similar issues and/or if they figured out what the issue was.
PS: anyone interested in trying to get D2L to fast-track an autosave feature for feedback on Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions should upvote this PIE (D7056):
Hi Tyler,
Thank you for reaching Brightspace Community.
Is the user facing the issue when accessing using mobile browser through the Pulse app? if so there was a defect that was fixed and will be release to your instance with April Release. You can find more details in the article.
Hi @Heba Alk512,
thanks for the reply! No, we do not use the Pulse App. The users in question accessed our D2L instance either through a desktop browser or via a mobile device (ex, an iPad).
It is weird because at least one user had the same issue going from a mobile device to a laptop.
Hi Tyler,
Thank you for the clarification. I am attaching the Brightspace Browser support since you have mentioned that users access using different devices and browsers,I would recommend checking if they are accessing from the supported browser versions and devices that are tested against Brightspace.
If they are accessing from the supported browsers and desktop/mobile devices , I would recommend next to raise a support case for further investigation with the user/s impacted details.
Hope this help!
I also would love for there to be an autosave feature in the Discussion space. It's really unnerving to be working on a long post and then lose all your work if your internet is interrupted, or you leave the page to do something and the app times out or closes (or you forget and it is gone by the time you come back).
Can we have it autosave discussions in real time?