Oldest to Newest Self-Marking Quizzes

As a follow up to my question re: assignment order —
How do I get the submission order for self-marking quizzes? They don't seem to show up under "Submissions". They are listed under "Activities", but that doesn't have a submission date listed.
Even though they are self-marking quizzes, I always follow up with students who struggled on that particular quiz. As my students are working at their own paces I can't go into each quiz individually to see if it's been taken recently.
Something like this would be helpful to indicate when a quiz has recently been taken, but "1 New Attempt" or something:
Any pointers on the submission order of self-marking quizzes would be appreciated.
Thanks :)
Hello @Yeslech
In Quizzes If you go to a particular Quiz that has attempts> Click on the dropdown in front of the quiz> Click on Grade> This view will give you a list of all users and attempts not only this by using the filter "Show Search Options" you can Identify users:
All Users, Users who have not completed an attempt, Users who have completed an attempt, etc. I hope this helps.
My students are working at their own paces so I can't go into each quiz individually to see if it's been taken recently. All quizzes will have attempts within no time. That's why I'm looking for an overview of all quiz attempts in order.
If this isn't possible yet in D2L, can you let me know where I can leave feedback?
Hello @Yeslech One way to see all attempts in all the quizzes available would be going to Quizzes and Rt hand side displays attempts for all quizzes, so If there are 10 users attempts would look alike 10/10 ( for self-evaluated)
You can also add a notification email whenever a user submits a quiz you can receive notification:
The second question is how to add Overall Feedback to all quizzes, that won't be possible. Feedback is added to attempts in Quizzes only.
It seems like what you've said doesn't indicate which quizzes were taken most recently. That's what I'm wanting since my students are working at their own paces.
As for feedback, I mean where can I give feedback regarding improvements for D2L?
Hello @Yeslech To add feedback or request any functionality please feel free to use "Product Idea Exchange" it is under Resources.
Thanks @Priyanka Pat677 :)