Quiz Attempt Not Showing

Philip.W.864 Posts: 7 🌱
edited April 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

What could prevent a quiz attempt from appearing to students?

I've spent some time troubleshooting one section of course with a few sections running this semester. In the course, the instructor has a set of tests with a secondary view dated for after the test window is complete. Students will take the test and see their grade, and a few days later, they will be able to click on their attempt to see all of the questions and answers in order to review for later tests.

In one section, Test 1 will not show student attempts no matter what we do. Below is a screenshot of the settings for how this quiz was initially set up. It works in other course sections, and other quizzes like this in the course work this way too. Just Test 1 in this section does not appear on the quiz list anymore.

In troubleshooting, we've changed dates, removed the additional view and set the primary view to reveal all Q&As, and even removed to the quiz end date. None of this has brought the Test 1 back to the quiz list. When students look at the quiz list, they see the section for tests with this quiz missing.



  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 323 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Phil.Wade3091 ,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Brightspace Community with your question.

    This does sound strange considering you have been able to achieve the intended outcome in other instances. Can I suggest you create a support case so that our folks can have a closer look at what may be going on in your learning instance?

  • Philip.W.864
    Philip.W.864 Posts: 7 🌱

    Sure, I can ask our tech contact to submit a ticket. Thank you.

  • Philip.W.864
    Philip.W.864 Posts: 7 🌱

    @Julie Low558 My director took a look at it and found the problem. One student had been given special access set to only users with special access can view the quiz. I don't know when that was set, because the whole class did take the quiz, but that's the reason it's being blocked now.