Call for more diverse quiz question types and improved workflows to create them

Mike.B.559 Posts: 149
edited March 2023 in K-12

Hi Folks,

I am hoping to encourage BrightSpace Community members to support calls for improvements to the BrightSpace quiz tool; specifically more diverse question types and more intuitive workflows to create them. Because, while the recently released D2L Road Map shows planned changes to "big picture" quiz creation (i.e. the Quizzing: New Creation Experience), there does not appear to be any change in the types of question we can ask or the workflows we need to use to create them.

The following two PIE items outline changes I (and 250+ other voters) would like to see implemented:

BrightSpace quizzes in need of critical updates (D9656)
Create New Generation NCLEX Question types for Quizzes (D6377)

Please take a look at them and consider upvoting if you feel they would improve the experience for members of your user community.



