Issue with Fill in the Blank Quizzes Marking Incorrectly

Chelsey.Y.865 Posts: 75 🌱
edited April 2023 in K-12

When I test a fill in the blank quiz using the answer key, I get answers wrong. Once I got 15/16 and once I got 14/16.

The issue seems to be with "Case Insensitive" which isn't working the way I would expect.

Even thought I set the quiz up to tell me incorrect answers it shows ALL my answers and doesn't tell me which ones are right and wrong.

15/16 — the only thing I did differently was enter the answer to one question in lower case.

14/16 — I have no clue what it took issue with this time. I varied the spacing before and after answers because I have suggested students cut and paste the correct answer in the box since D2L doesn't have drag and drop quizzes.

Case Insensitive should mean that capitalization and spacing don't count.

Does anyone know why "Case Insensitive" isn't working and why incorrect answers aren't being shown to me?



Best Answer

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 391 🎆
    Answer ✓

    @Yeslech Case insensitive only refers to (lack of) capitalization of letters. Spaces or using other characters such as hyphens is not part of case sensitivity. You could use a regular expression to allow for spaces/hyphens though, such as [V|v][\s|-]neck which would allow for all four of these responses:

    V neck
    v neck


  • Hi Yeslech;

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Can I request that you work with your institution's approved support contact (Typically your LMS Administrator) to have a case created to have this triaged/investigated by our D2L Support/Development team?

    I would also recommend, if able to provide a video walking the process you mentioned above to ensure we understand the full scope of the issue. Really appreciate you bringing this to our attention and once we have that case in progress hoping we can provide a resolution on this matter quickly.

    Kind regards;


  • Chelsey.Y.865
    Chelsey.Y.865 Posts: 75 🌱

    Hi Bruce,

    Thanks for your reply. I have contacted my contact people and have sent videos and screen shots.

  • Chelsey.Y.865
    Chelsey.Y.865 Posts: 75 🌱

    Update: After more testing, I think that the issue is dashes ie: V-neck vs V neck.

  • Hi @Yeslech - I'd suggest that if its related to an issue with dashes you should likely contact your support organization and have them create a new D2L support case put in for investigation. Apologies for the tardiness in this response.

    Kind regards - Bruce

  • Chelsey.Y.865
    Chelsey.Y.865 Posts: 75 🌱

    Hi @Bruce Bur375 thanks for the reply. As a workaround I created the quiz as an ordering quiz so that students won't have to type in dashes…

  • Chelsey.Y.865
    Chelsey.Y.865 Posts: 75 🌱

    @Jennifer.Wagner3830 That is so interesting… Thanks for letting me know!