Is there a way to perform a bulk update of usernames?

Jeremy.N.518 Posts: 12 🌱

We are integrating Brightspace with Okta, and I need to change the user names of roughly 350 users to their email addresses in both our Production and Test environments.

I tried to use the Bulk Update tool, but it doesn't appear that it will support a user name change (there's no way I could find to indicate what the new user name should be).

Any ideas on how to do this that A) Doesn't require me to manually update 350 accounts in both Test and Production B) Doesn't require me to delete and recreate our users (and wipe out their training history in the process).


  • Rusha.S.831
    Rusha.S.831 Posts: 122

    Hello @Jeremy.Negrey2027 ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us via Brightspace Community!

    Considering the users were created manually in LE and through any SIS, you can update the user information via the Bulk User Management - Create a file for the Bulk User Management tool.

    In case you try trying to update the username and it is set as a required field with (*), you may want to adjust these via the Form Element.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind Regards,


  • Jeremy.N.518
    Jeremy.N.518 Posts: 12 🌱

    Thanks Rusha. I tried the Bulk Update tool and, as you said, the username field is required and cannot be update that way.

    Can you point me to resources that could demonstrate how to use Form Elements to update usernames?

  • I've never done this, so I'd recommend testing this on some fake users first, but…

    You can find the Form Elements tool via the Admin Tools cog, under Organisation Related.

    If you expand the list down the side, one of your options will be BulkUserUpdate. If you click one of the fields (still in the left hand side expandable menu), you can choose whether each one is required or displayed. Meanwhile, if you click on the name of the form itself - Bulk User Update - an edit button will appear on the right hand side, which allows you to choose the order of the form elements at the bottom. Here's the bit I've not done before, but is what I'd try:

    • Untick the username as a required field but keep it as a displayed field
    • Move the username field so that it appears after the org defined id field
    • Make a bulk user management csv that conforms to the columns you've just chosen, in the order you've just chosen
    • Test to see if it will look for users by the Org Defined Id, and then update their username (rather than the other way round)

  • Jeremy.N.518
    Jeremy.N.518 Posts: 12 🌱

    Thanks Olly - that was a great suggestion and it seems like it should have worked, but it didn't.

    When running the bulk user update process, the import errored out because the new user name did not match an existing user.

    I might be out of luck on this.

  • Rusha.S.831
    Rusha.S.831 Posts: 122

    Hi @Jeremy.Negrey2027 ,

    I found this article which resides in our Legacy Communiy - Bulk User Management: Update. Could you please confirm if required field for username was removed and set to Org defined ID?

    If it is still doesn't work, May I suggest you submit a support ticket for us to look into this further?

    I hope this helps!

    Kind Regards,


  • Jeremy.N.518
    Jeremy.N.518 Posts: 12 🌱

    Thanks Rusha - the users in this case do not have an Org Defined ID assigned, so this didn't work. I ended up manually updating all of the user names - it was quite tedious and time consuming, but I didn't see a better way.

