Revealing a Rubric ONLY when it is Used

I have an assignment where students can choose how they represent their learning. IF they choose to submit a written assignment, I would like to use a writing rubric. If they submit a different sort of assignment, I would not want to use the writing rubric and would instead use the feedback box.
My wish is that the rubric would ONLY show IF I use it for a written assignment. Should I set things to:
"rubric is hidden from students until feedback is published"
"rubric is hidden from students" and "include rubric feedback in overall feedback".
Will both these options show students who did not submit a written assignment an empty rubric once feedback is published?
Please note: I have created a separate rubric where I can modify the rubric settings for this specific assignment.
Thanks in advance :)
Best Answer
Thanks for reaching out to the Community!
To achieve your desired result, select your first option of "Rubric is hidden from students until feedback is published."
If you use the rubric, the scored rubric will be shown to students. If you do not use the rubric, students will only see what's written in the feedback box (not an empty rubric).
Note that when you go to publish this feedback/score, the assignments tool will warn you that 'not all rubric criteria have been scored' but you can select 'publish anyway' and proceed.
Hope this helps!
Hi Sarah, thank you so much! This answer is exactly what I was hoping for :)