New submissions icon is on, but can't find the new submissions

I have a professor who has the new submissions icon popping up saying there's 2 new ones for her to check. On her dropbox page, there are no tallies in the New Submissions column and there aren't any indicators in Grades either. She has opened all her dropboxes to see if there's anything listed in there and she says there's nothing new that she can see. How can she get these notifications cleared?
The instructor may need to go back in and scroll through and make sure they read all of the attachments.
They will show up as bold text compared to the ones the instructor already opened.
I did explain about students sometimes turning in other documents and that she should look for the bold text. I'll encourage her to check again. However, when I looked through the dropboxes while impersonating her account I also didn't see any bold text in the submissions.
Another thing she could do is change from the users tab to the submission tab.
Then use the check all box and then do Mark all as Read.