I think quiz results (what the correct answers were etc) should be available through grades

Learners can view assignment results (i.e. rubric details) from either Assignments or grades.

But they can ONLY view quiz results (correct answers) through Quizzes NOT grades.

I think they should be able to view those results also through grades.



  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 323 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Andrew.Reil9541 ,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Community with your thoughts and feedback. We truly value client feedback and suggestions for ways that we can improve our products and tools!

    In this case, we welcome you to submit an item to our Product Idea Exchange. This will ensure that we get the right eyes on your suggestion! To learn more about how to access PIE, please take a peek at our Community FAQ's.

  • Andrew.R.49
    Andrew.R.49 Posts: 2 🌱

    sorry, I thought I was doing that, how do I post there?