Second Instance of Brightspace

Hi Everyone! Our Continuing Education department is configuring their own instance of Brightspace. If you are with an institution with several instances, how do you manage them? Do you have a separate admin for each instance or one admin to "rule them all"?



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 569 admin

    Hi @Mike.Duggan6954

    Here at D2L, we use Brightspace for our own Training needs in a variety of ways!

    We have a dedicated team that assists with internal system administration, including Brightspace but in many cases there are administrators outside of that department who manage a site for their department or team's needs.

    They may connect back with that internal system admin team or other internal experts ex. our TAMS and LAMS and Training Team etc. when deciding about which tools might best meet the needs for a specific program or initiative.

    I think your question is a really interesting one- and if you'd like to, you're very welcome to post also to the Instructional Design Best Practices Group to invite other Educators' perspectives as well.