April 2025/20.25.04
Preview Release Notes Video: Release Highlights Release Highlights for April 2025/20.25.04 will be available on April 3, 2025. General Announcements * D2L Lumi Outcomes for Assignments is now available in the Mumbai (ap-south-1) region and therefore is generally available to all users entitled to D2L Lumi Pro for…
March 2025/20.25.03
Video: Release Highlights General Announcements * As of the February 2025/20.25.02 release, a new Courses tool is introduced to non-production environments of Brightspace. The Courses tool will replace the Course Management tool as of the May 2025/20.25.05 release. Refer to the Updates to Course Management blog post for…
February 2025/20.25.02
Video: Release Highlights General Announcements * To align with Microsoft's rebranding, Office 365 Integration has been updated to Microsoft 365 in the widget, file picker, and related configuration variables. * The Platform Notification Service API response now includes the updated handler in the PUT API only. The LTI…
January 2025/20.25.01
Video: Release Highlights General Announcements * Brightspace's minimum for supported browser versions increases every January and July. The January update increases the minimum supported browser versions to: * Chrome 129 * Edge 129 * Safari 18 * Firefox 130 The minimum legacy browsers are now: * Chrome 94 * Edge 94 *…