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At D2L, we are passionate about creating solutions that can ignite the desire to learn in everyone. We are constantly updating our product offerings to bring new solutions and features to market. As part of the ongoing life cycle of product innovation, we will sometimes discontinue the sale and support of certain products and services.
D2L has a rigorous review process to ensure both client and business impact of end of life decisions are understood and to ensure clients receive advance notice of product and tool end of life decisions. Where appropriate, D2L will use a phased approach to end of life starting with end of sale, followed by end of new use and completing with end of life. End of life notices typically occur 3-12 months prior to end of life of a product or tool and are accompanied by blog posts that outline the rationale, expected impact and alternative offerings associated with an end of life decision. Our Product and Customer Success teams work together on communication and transition plans for clients who are directly impacted by the change.
Please see the High Impact Changes Timeline page for information on upcoming End of Life of D2L Products and services, as well as changes in default behaviors.
Example End of Life Communication Plan
12 Months Out
- Internal planning, impact assessment and approval
6 Months Out
- Intent to End of Life notice provided in Announcements section of release notes with link to end of life details.
- Communication and transition plans for impacted clients implemented by Product and Customer Success teams.
1-3 Months Out
- Disruptive change reminder provided in Announcements section of release notes with link to end of life details.
Month of End of Life
- End of life notice in release notes.
Recent Intent to End of Life Notices
- Please see summary on the High Impact Changes Timeline page.