Supporting adaptive assessments
We're working with our testing center to explore putting our writing placement exam into Brightspace. The goal is to create an assessment that helps students self-identify what writing (or reading/writing) course they should register for. The quiz tool doesn't support adaptive branching (currently), so I'm curious if…
Unable to open the Discussions list
I am unable to open the Discussions list in my course when using Chrome and Edge on my personal desktop. It still opens correctly in Firefox, and it opens correctly in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox on my laptop. What could be causing the problem on my desktop? I have the latest browser updates, cleared the browser history,…
Embedded Spotify podcast blocked - how to permanently allow for all users
I'm having an issue embedding Spotify podcasts onto our lessons for users to listen to. The embedded code has been added and shows up from an administrator perspective. However when logging in as a learner, it shows that the media is from another wesbite and has been blocked, but it does not give the option to allow this…
Shared Kaltura library videos issue
Has anyone else experienced an issue with accessing the Kaltura (insert media) feature to embed videos within their D2L instance directly with and using the instructor role? Until recently my coworker a sys admin could impersonate an instructor and access My Media and perform tasks normally. When users try to access My…