Course banner and homepage widget
Is there a way to change the course banner without it affecting the homepage widget? We are updating to the New Learner Experience but when doing that all of our course banners need to be edited, which then messes up the homepage widget as well. We're hoping to keep our current widgets on the homepage and just update the…
Can someone point me to the correct specifications to use with Brightspace?
I have tried to search but not seeing the page that used to exist.
Is it possible for students to save drafts of their quiz responses so they can work on them over tim
We are experimenting with using a Quiz that includes short answers and a Panopto video submission to replace an assignment that required students to record a video, upload a link or MP4 file and attach it to the drop box and also download a Word document, complete their work, then upload their completed document to the…
Where are the training guides in pdf format?
I would like an introductory faculty course in pdf. Do you have something like that?
Do you have an updated guide for using the Instructional Design wizard?
I need to establish course objectives and learning objectives aligned with each other or show relationships.
Availability of a leaderboard add-in?
I was able to add a leaderboard (based on total points earned) to my old Blackboard course but that 3rd party add-in (from another college prof who shared his work) is not compatible with Brightspace. The students really liked having the leaderboard that was automatically updated as students earned points. It was engaging…
Change language/terms in LMS
Hello! I'm trying to change the term "closed" to "expired" for when a course ends. Does anyone know where/how I can make this change? I've been searching in Language Management but can't seem to match "Closed" with any of the variables there.
Best and Worst
I am a Moodle administrator at Norwich University and we are starting the transition from Moodle to D2L. For 15 years I have helped faculty figure out the best way to teach more effectively using Moodle. What is the one best thing you have experienced with D2L Brightspace? What is the one worst thing you have experienced…
Do students have access to the graphical equation editor to respond in quizzes?
I see that instructors can use the graphical equation editor to write their questions but do students have the same ability for a fill in the blank or short answer question? This is specifically for a calculus course and the instructor doesn't want to use multiple choice. What is the best way to go about this?