Where can you learn more about eportfolio?
An instructor asked me the following question: "I am interested in learning more about the ePortfolio page in Brightspace. Can you please provide some information as I am considering making changes in my class, but will need to learn more before doing so." Please advise me on where I can get more info. Thanks
Can Assignment submissions be automatically uploaded to portfolio?
Is it possible to link assignment submissions to the portfolio tool where a student's assignment upload automatically gets sent to their portfolio as well? If possible, how can I set this up? If not possible, would something like an intelligent agent be of any help creating this assignment-portfolio link?
Badges to ePortfolio
Hi, I know students can share their badges to ePortfolio, but is there a way to automatically send the badges to their ePortfolio when they are awarded without students doing this manually? Thank you
Working with ePortfolio and artifact isn't showing when I click on it.
We are creating a presentation and the links to a PDF and Word doc won't open. It won't do anything until I Ctrl+click then it will download it but we want it to open. Popup blockers are turned off. There are display options for the artifact, but the "Display artifact in-place on the page" is grayed out. Is this a…
I'm working with ePortfolio and cannot add any rubrics to it.
Hello, I'm working with ePortfolio and cannot add any rubrics to it while I got lots of rubrics in my course. It's says: No items found. I cannot locate any other option except clicking the Edit link in the file to add Rubrics to ePortfolio. Thanks.
ePortfolio: Send Invite tab is dimmed
When I try to share an ePortfolio item and follow all the steps, I still can send an invitation because the Send Invite tab is not working for me? What am I doing wrong?
ePortfolio: Is there a way to share items to a group after they are shared with me?
Hello, I have a rather specific question. I am working with an instructor at my institution, and she posed the above question to me. After playing around with the portfolio and group sharing as well as doing a bunch of research online, I still cannot determine if this is possible or not. For a bit more context the…
ePortfolio: How do I enable it?
The ePortfolio links vanished from our nav bars. I don't know if I caused it or not. I cannot find any permissions containing the word ePortfolio. Where do I enable this feature? Is ePortfolio a standard part of Brightspace?