ePortfolio: How do I enable it?

The ePortfolio links vanished from our nav bars. I don't know if I caused it or not. I cannot find any permissions containing the word ePortfolio.
Where do I enable this feature?
Is ePortfolio a standard part of Brightspace?
I think you have to contact your account rep on this, but we set our ePortfolio up when we first got to D2L and things may have changed since then.
In Organization Tools, ePortfolio is checked on our site.
Because of that, we have config variables and role permissions that relate to it.
But I think it had to be enabled on our hosted account by D2L.
Hi @Reto Hoehener , if you had ePortfolio on your Navbar previously you should still have eP in your sytem, but it sounds like someone may have tweaked your navbar settings or perhaps turned the tool off. Fortunately that can be corrected!
Here is a link to the Administrator Guide:
And here is our Brightspace Help page regarding ePortfolio:
Both of you, thanks! ePortfolio was turned off in "Organization Tools". I was able to turn it on.