Fetching grades for withdrawn students

We have an instructor who is auditing the grades for an exam that students take to see if the score is a predictor of persistence. He'd also like to know what (if any) grade students who have withdrawn from the course received. I know it can be done one at a time via Classlist > Enrollment statistics, but this is somewhat onerous for 30+ sections.

Does anyone do something similar now? Is there an easy way to get grades on a specific quiz/activity that also shows scores from withdrawn students?


  • Chris.S.534
    Chris.S.534 Posts: 379

    Hi Andy,

    Data for unenrolled or inactive learners is still available in Brightspace. If you enrol the users again into the Course Offering the data will be visible to instructors. In most cases this is not a preferred approach.

    You can download the Advanced Data Set > Enrollments and Withdrawals to determine which learners have been withdrawn from the course (filter on date and OrgUnitId). Thereafter cross reference the withdrawn learners with the relevant Data Sets.

    Hope this helps!

  • Andy.F.437
    Andy.F.437 Posts: 41 🧭

    Thanks @Chris.S.534,

    We'll look at the datasets. I hoped there was something easier, like a toggle to include withdrawn students in the gradebook CSV export so my team didn't have to be involved. ;)