Error - section name too long to create single user, member-specific groups

Holly.A.103 Posts: 24 🌱
edited June 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

Hello all,

I'm trying to create single user, member-specific groups in order to create a journal for students. I want to restrict enrollments by section. However, the section name I have selected must be too long because an error comes up saying the group prefix cannot be over 40 characters, and the groups are not created. I cannot see an option to edit the group prefix before saving. How do I fix this issue? Can I change the section name? (Note: these sections are different cohorts of students, and are not created/visible in the groups tool)

Thanks in advance 😁



  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 107
    edited June 2024

    Hey @Holly.A.103,

    It may not be a naming issue with your Section. Single user, member-specific groups are created with names based on the FirstName and LastName fields for each user in your Course Offering that would be enrolled into one of these groups. Do you have any students in that course that have a particularly long >40 character name? If so, you may want to just manually create/label the groups by using Groups of # and set it to "1" for Number of Users.

    Hope that helps!

    D2L LAM

  • Holly.A.103
    Holly.A.103 Posts: 24 🌱
    edited June 2024

    Hi @Johnny.B.962 Thanks so much for you reply. Are the FirstName and LastName fields used for the group name, or the group prefix? Or are they the same thing? Because we're getting an error with the group prefix. I will have a look for students with long names.

    Thanks again!

    edit: There are no students with long names in the section I want to create the groups for

  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 107

    Holly, when utilizing the Single user, member-specific groups option when creating the Group Category, the "Group prefix" field is generally not available/is removed as an option. Are you seeing it in your site?

    This field is removed when utilizing this Enrollment Type because the name of each group that is created is based on the First Name and Last Name of each of the students in your course that will be enrolled into a group. For example, in your Classlist you are seeing the following people: Sarah Johnson, Michael Thompson, and Devon Miller. When you setup a new Group Category using Single user, member-specific groups then you should see groups created with the following names:
    - Sarah Johnson
    - Michael Thompson
    - Devon Miller
    And each of those groups would have 1 enrolled user which will be that person's account with no one else.

    D2L LAM

  • Holly.A.103
    Holly.A.103 Posts: 24 🌱

    Hi @Johnny.B.962 Thanks for you reply. I am not seeing the group prefix box, I see what you have shown in the screenshot. Thank you for the information on the group names. I only get an error referring to a group prefix being too long when I try to create the groups. I had a look and no students have a long name. I am not sure why it is saying there is an error with a group prefix being more than 40 characters long.

  • Holly.A.103
    Holly.A.103 Posts: 24 🌱

    HI @Johnny.B.962 I apologise I was wrong, for some reason the group prefix field is coming up. It looks different to your screenshot. It says 'Restrict enrolments to' and then there's a dropdown to select the section

  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 107
    edited June 2024


    In this case, I think it might be best to put you in contact with D2L Support to more directly look into this error for you and what's going on in your Brightspace site. Your local Brightspace administrator with your institution can help you out with that/contact support on your behalf via the ASC Portal. Judging by the email from your account here on Community, it appears you are with Charles Sturt University, is that correct? If so, have you contacted Matthew Hardinge regarding this issue?

    D2L LAM

  • Holly.A.103
    Holly.A.103 Posts: 24 🌱

    Hi @Johnny.B.962 Yes, thank you, I am now in touch with the Brightspace team at Charles Sturt. Thank you for all your help 😀