D2L Quiz Accessibility question

Rebecca.W.526 Posts: 2 🌱
edited December 2022 in Accessibility

Prior to selecting any of the radio buttons for a setup like this,

the screen reader at the moment says: "The Subtotal functions performs these aggregations: Summing, radio button, not checked, Summing. Averaging, radio button, not checked, Averaging" and so on. It reads each option twice. Once when it announces the radio button label and its state, checked or unchecked and once when it gets to the actual answer.

Can we "hide" the answer next to the radio button for the screen reader, so each option is read just once?

Ideally, this would be a better user experience:

"The Subtotal functions performs these aggregations: Summing, radio button, not checked, one of five. Averaging, radio button, not checked, two of five, Counting, radio button not checked, three of five, Getting the maximum or minimum value amongst others radio button, not checked, four of five, All of the above, radio button not checked, five of five".
