Auditor Tool and standards - so that our mentors can view progress of their Programme Members

We have Facilitators on our courses that track progress at section level.
But each of our Programme Members also have a mentor, sometimes that mentor is a mentor to 3/4 people on the same course.
We have about 30 sections on a course (so 30 faciliatators), with a total of around 5000 Learners (programme Members) and 4000 Mentors (Auditors).
We want to start using the "Standards" functionality so that when learners complete a quiz it shows if they have met that area of knowledge. And have been playing with this.
(Is standards the same as competencies? - I have tagged as that as can't find a tag for standards)
Is there a way to grant permission to our Audtors to see the outputs of the Standards for their Auditee, when they use the audit widget and looking at class progress?
I can't find any obvious permission sets, to grant, but thought maybe it was called something strange.
Currently it just looks like this when a mentor is auditing:
Whereas My learner can see the details as per below:
Hello Christina.T.727,
Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community!.
Please note that you can modify the language term used to describe learning outcomes by setting the value in the d2l.Languages.Terminology.LearningOutcomes configuration variable.
Regarding the permissions for the Auditors role, have you tried assigning the following permission? (Apologies if you have already checked this)
Class Progress (tool) > See User Progress for All Users
Please find below further information regarding the Class Progress permissions in the following article:
Class Progress permissions - Brightspace
We hope this helps and please reach out if you have further questions.
Best regards
Miguel B.
@Miguel.B.106 - so when we update the role to "See User progress for all Users" then the "auditor" can see progress for everyone enrolled in the same section as them (so upwards of 200 people) - within the "Class Progress tab" on navbar - normally that tab comes up as "No progress available for this user" - but as soon as you grant that permission they can see hundreds of users, rather than only the two-four people that they can see via the Audit users widget. Therefore breaking GDPR and data protection. Is there a way to get around this where they can't access the data via class progress but can via Audit users widget?
We have the permissions set up that the auditor can access all the other elements on the user progress via audit users, its just the standards page that doesn't seem to load in audit users widget. -
Hello @Christina.T.727 ,
Thank you for providing additional information!
I have been able to replicate the behaviour on our internal test site and have contacted our internal team to confirm the expected behaviour. Rest assured, I will update this thread as soon as they respond.