Equation editor - default size and does the Scale all Math setting cover an subject, unit or

Posts: 62 🌱
I am working on a Math subject and we are finding different font sizes for the equation editor. I have a few questions:
- What is the default font size in the equation editor (and what is the default font?)
- See attached image - When you scale all Math, does that cover the subject (eg Math 101), a unit (eg Module 1), or a folder (eg Topic X - multiplying fractions)?
- When you scale all Math, is that just on a user-by-user basis for a personal view, or does it present scaled to all those in the site - both instructors and students?
- Is there a reason why equations are temperamental in call out boxes and accordions - they may be present in student view, possibly instructor view, but never in edit mode - it's just a blank space and you need to click on the correct part of that space to find the equation to edit?
Thank you again, I know I ask many questions.
Hi Sue.S,
All questions are good! I have a couple of answers for you regarding the MathType editor, but not all. I recommend having your support team open a case with the D2L Support team to provide a response for those issue/questions I 'm unable to respond to, or in which you need additional information.
- The default font and size in the MathType editor is Arial 16px. This can be seen in the code view in the MathType editor. The display view in a quiz always appears to use the Times New Roman font.
- From my testing when changing the scale it applies across all subjects in which you are using the editor, and rendering the questions.
- Again from my testing the scaling only applies on a user-by-user basis for a personal view.
- Please open a case with the Support team to investigate.
Hope this helps!
Thank you Chris - all this information is very helpful. I will take your advice about opening a case too :)