Accommodations for One Student at the Lesson Level?

Shawn.P.251 Posts: 22 🌱

Quick question to the Community…

Is it possible to allow one student to access a Lessons module say a week before it opens to the other students in a course? I know you can setup accommodations for a student in the Assignments, Quizzes but can it be done at the Lessons level?

Is there a trick of the trade to allow this?

Thanks, ShawnP


Best Answer

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 412 🎆
    Answer ✓

    @Shawn.P.251 Special Access unfortunately isn't available for modules, so a workaround is to add the student to a group and then put a release condition on the module to only release it to that group. But then you'd have to remove the release condition manually when you want the module to be open to everyone. There isn't a way to set a date on a release condition to do it automatically.
