How do I delete an award?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 142 Analytics Builder Transition
edited January 27 in Corporate

I am trying to clean up some data and ensure that test awards (e.g. the awards are called "Test Award") are marked with IsDeleted = 1. There are several awards in the AwardObjects dataset that are NOT associated with courses, and I can't find them to delete them so that they get the IsDeleted = 1 value.

I am a Super Admin and have permission to delete all awards.

The way I've been accomplishing this is:

  1. Guess the probably org unit and visit it
  2. Visit the Awards Tool > Course Awards.
  3. Select Add Award To Course.
  4. Search for the award name, then select Delete Award.



  • Owen.M.3197
    Owen.M.3197 Posts: 67 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi Maureen,

    Thanks for bringing your question/solution to the Brightspace Community!

    A quick question: are you needing help with something or explaining how you found a work-around to an issue? If you do have a question, please let me know.

    We appreciate you!


  • Maureen.B.923
    Maureen.B.923 Posts: 142 Analytics Builder Transition

    @Owen.M.3197 my question is, how do I find those errant awards that need to be deleted? When I tried the steps listed above, they're not appearing in the search I conduct in step #4.

  • Hi Maureen,

    If you have added award to a course, then you can search with the Award name under the Course Awards tab in the Awards tool, and then click on the Remove award button

    However, if you are finding any specific issue with any awards in any specific course, then I would recommend you to please open a support ticket with the details of the course and the award you are looking for so that we can troubleshoot and help you accordingly.

