Copying/Duplicating course components within the same course

Is there a way to copy components within the same course? I'm trying to set up a structure with 8 units, e.g., modules/weeks. Within those, I am creating two lessons to organize my content, e.g., "Learning Materials" and "Coursework."

Ultimately, I will have master shells to copy over the full structure and content, but we are just getting started. I am fine importing from packages and copying from one course offering or template to another. When trying to duplicate elements within the same course, I get stuck.

Thanks for any advice.

Best Answer

  • Owen.M.3197
    Owen.M.3197 Posts: 67 ⏸️ Inactive
    Answer ✓

    Hi Paula,

    I agree, definitely an area we can improve! f you've got a minute, and wouldn't mind heading over to our product/idea exchange (PIE) and searching for "copy content" in the search bar and sharing your support for others with this idea, it increases it as a "priority feature" for implementation.

    You can find PIE by hovering over "Resources" in the head banner of the Brightspace Community homepage and locating it on the right hand side of the drop-down menu.


