Copy/Duplicate Course Content within same course


I have a HTML Template Page setup with content that I want to copy into another Unit and then edit. However I cannot figure out a simple way to copy/duplicate the file from within the CONTENT area of the course.


  • Hi @Frédéric.C.425

    Thanks for reaching us through the Brightspace Community.

    You may duplicate a content topic through "Course Builder".

    • Navigate to "Course Admin".
    • Go to "Course Builder" - you will see your course content structure listed here.
    • Next, click the dropdown menu next to the content item you would like to duplicate.
    • Then you find either "Copy Structure" or "Copy Placeholder", depending on what you wish to duplicate
    • Then, click the dropdown menu of the content item to which you wish to paste the desired content - you will be able to select "after, before, and paste as child".
    • You will be able to select "paste before/after [the selected content item] or "paste as child".

    I hope this addresses your inquiry.

  • Hello Ricardo, thanks for you reply. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have the "Course Builder" option in our instance of Brightspace.

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 381 🎆

    @Frédéric.C.425 You can make a copy of any HTML page in your course by creating a new HTML document and then applying the original page as a template. So create a new HTML document and when you click on Select Template choose Browse for a Template and then you can select any HTML page in your Manage Files area.