Is there an icon on the Enter Grades page that shows students in progress in a quiz?

In the Blackboard original Grade Centre, there is an icon (a little blue pie chart) that indicates students are in progress with a Test. Since the Grade Centre displays the whole class, it is a convenient way to monitor how many students are currently completing a Test in Blackboard.

Is there a way to enable something similar for the Enter Grades page in Brightspace? Our experience in Brightspace so far is that the Enter Grades page does not display any icon for a quiz that is in progress. It only displays an icon when a quiz has been completed.

Comparison screencap images from Blackboard and Brightspace of a Test/Quiz that is in progress have been attached for reference. The Blackboard image shows the blue pie chart icon while the Brightspace image shows nothing with the Test/Quiz in progress on both systems at the same time.

We are still in our very first semester with Brightspace and the Enter Grades page would be a familiar place to view students in progress with a quiz so I would appreciate any advice that may make this possible.

Thank you for your time!


Best Answer

  • Krizzy.S.9720
    Krizzy.S.9720 Posts: 99 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Alex.D.717. Thanks for your question :) To check if the user's attempt is in progress or if users have not started the quiz/attempt. Please go to Quiz> on Dropdown select Grade> Click on "Search Options" > it gives you a view where you can choose view restricted to:

    All Users, Users who have not taken an attempt, Users who have completed an attempt, Users with attempts in progress, etc. so either choosing one of the filters or all users will provide you with the list of users based on your search.

    The same goes with the second tab in the screenshot "Attempts" where you can filter results based on attempts. Apart from that under the "More actions" dropdown, you can even see the event logs based on Quiz entry, Quiz completion, etc.

    Please let me know if this helps.
