I have created a discussion and started a thread. When I log in with a student account (or as...

I have created a discussion and started a thread. When I log in with a student account (or as an instructor) I cannot reply to the thread (no button) or see existing replies. Any explanation? How can I fix this? I have not set any restrictions
Screen grab attached
Did you check the checkbox in the forum and topic creation for must start a thread before reading or replying to other threads?
Have you checked the underlining HTML Code? In the past we've had an issue like this. If someone created the "text of the message" in another product and did a copy paste the undlying code had some "div" tags and other errant html. When we edited the html code and cleaned it up. Then people could reply to the thread.
@Niall Watts , I can't see much detail on your image, but it does not look to me that you are in a place where you would have a reply button. Forgive me if I am being obvious, but some of our own instructors have had this happen. It looks to me like you have the "Start a New Thread" button. When I am in that screen for a discussion topic, I have to click into the post I want to reply to by clicking the link that is the THREAD's title. Then I get a button to reply to thread.
If I have misinterpreted, then I bet that @Donna Swanson has nailed it. We have had that very frustrating situation several times. I would so love to strip all the code from their pastes!
Renee & all thanks. I think the problem is not clicking into the post - which like some of Renee's instructors I did not find obvious.