Is it possible to make a kind of interactive quiz, where the students get the right answer and...

Ulf.M.583 Posts: 11 🌱
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

Is it possible to make a kind of interactive quiz, where the students get the right answer and feedback as soon as they click "save" below a question?

Perhaps it is possible using another tool than the standard Brightspace quiz tool? I am quite new to Brightspace.


I wish to make a quiz where the students does not need to submit the quiz before they get the answers. They answer question one, click save, are given the result and feedback, then click next question, or just scroll down to the next question.



  • Jonathan.S.595
    Jonathan.S.595 Posts: 80 🧭
    edited November 2022

    I believe the self assessment tool works similar to that.

  • Ulf.M.583
    Ulf.M.583 Posts: 11 🌱
    edited November 2022

    Great, thanks for the tip! It took me a while to realize that you cannot select a right answer in a self assessment quiz question, but you can write feedback, which is then shown as "check my answer". I guess it is not possible to get a score at the end of a self assessment quiz, though?

  • Jonathan.S.595
    Jonathan.S.595 Posts: 80 🧭
    edited November 2022

    Right those don't tie into the grades tool.