Classlist in Alphabetical Order

alaina.s.2924 Posts: 10 🌱
edited March 21 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

When I go to classlist, select the arrow and choose for students' names to be listed in alphabetical order from either last or first, only a few names are listed in order and the rest are not.

Is this an issue that's been reported before? Is there a way for me to resolve this on my end?



  • Heba.A.271
    Heba.A.271 Posts: 104

    Hi @alaina.s.2924 ,

    Thank you for reaching Brightspace Community!

    We recommend raising a support case for the team to investigate and for further troubleshooting, meanwhile there is a recent known issue with the name sorting that has been fixed.

    Hope this helps !