Log and Logging API

Justin.B.253 Posts: 50 🧭

Has anyone been successful at pulling logs? I've read all the documentation and have tried so many different combinations of parameters but nothing works for:
GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/logging/
GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/logging/grouped/

The only one that does seem to pull data is GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/logging/(logMessageId)/ but I need to go to the Log window in my instance to grab the id which makes what I am doing pointless.



  • Mitch.F.186
    Mitch.F.186 Posts: 1


    I believe for that particular route the dateRangeStart and dateRangeEnd parameters are mandatory (from the link below, they are the only non-optional parameters). I sounds like you may have already tried that but wanted to mention it in case that wasn't a combination that you tried. If you have tried it and it doesn't work could you provide the error response you are getting, it could be permissions?


    For example I was able to get the following to work, if I omit the the parameters I get a 400 error.


    Hopefully this helps!

  • Justin.B.253
    Justin.B.253 Posts: 50 🧭

    @Mitch.F.186 Thank you, I did not try just the dates. But that did work. Thank you. This will hopefully get me started and figure out more parameters. I appreciate the help.