Release Note Change History
Is there a better way to keep up with the change history of a release note update? I keep these on a slide show so I can color code what is pertinent and useful for my organization by role to be presented. The change history vaguely alludes to a change which makes me have to compare the new to what I have and read through to find what has changed in the original verbiage. Is there an easier way that I am missing to know exactly what verbiage needs to be changed? Also, as a suggestion, maybe the change can be placed in the new month with the original month entry date, noted as a change and the change info highlighted in RED or another color.
Hi @Stephanie.H.864 ,
Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.
In this case, you may find our and
helpful to see the high-impact changes and release notes from different months.Please keep us posted if this resource is helpful.
Kind regards,