course copy - assignments no longer linked to grade center


I just wondered if anyone else was having issues with course copies. I had a faculty member copy the content from 2 different courses and in both cases the assignments were no longer linked to the grade center.




  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 100 🎓

    Hi Deb

    That sounds like they only copied the assignments, not the linked grade objects as well. Because they are separate entitles, you need to bring both across.

  • Deb.H.306
    Deb.H.306 Posts: 8 🌱

    Hi Steve,

    Actually they did complete course copies and got these results. I had another situation last week when a faculty member's content links had to be redone. Both these faculty members are good with technology and heavy Brightspace users. Very strange…
