Excluding demo or test student accounts from displaying in the grade statistics

Tara.D.148 Posts: 13 🌱
edited February 10 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary


The view statistics option for grade items is a useful feature. However, at our university we have a demo student account (and often other test accounts or similar) that need to be excluded from any final statistics. Is there a simple way to exclude the data from test accounts? Our demo account is automatically enrolled in groups and sections too so we cannot use those to filter.

For example, in the screenshot below, there are 46 enrolled students and 1 demo account. The demo account data is contributing to the Class Statistics data. The final calculated grade statistic remains the same when I exclude the demo student account from all assessments. If I delete any assessment grades from the demo student, the minimum changes to 0 (image 2).

Am I missing something obvious?


Best Answer

  • Prithvi.A.303
    Prithvi.A.303 Posts: 52
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Tara.D.148,

    Thank you for reaching out via Brightspace Community!

    If you would like to exclude the demo student account from appearing in the Statistics under a grade item, you can exempt the student account from the Grades tool.

    Please follow these steps (Screenshot attached):

    1. Navigate to Grades
    2. Click on Enter Grades
    3. Locate the Demo Student, click the dropdown arrow
    4. Select Bulk Edit Exemptions
    5. Tick the grade item(s) you would like to exempt
    6. Click Save and Close

    Could you please try these steps and confirm if this satisfies your needs?

    Additionally, I have attached a community article about exemptions for further reference.


    Best regards, Prithvi Anvekar Product Support Analyst
    D2L Corporation


  • Tara.D.148
    Tara.D.148 Posts: 13 🌱

    Hi Prithvi,

    Thank you for the reply. The second image above was with the exemption and the number of students did not change. However, after your message I have re-tested in different sites and it is working in those sites. Thank you.