Why are all page head links broken in v5.0 course offering template html files?

Stacey.A.86 Posts: 8 🌱
edited January 24 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

I'm not sure when they were released, or whether there's a fix. Or even, if anyone has the direct urls to all the css and js files in the page heads of the templates. That would be helpful.



  • Ana.A.776
    Ana.A.776 Posts: 13

    Hi @Stacey.A.86,

    Thank you for reaching out in the Brightspace Community.

    In this case, you may find the requested info under this Community article: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/26484-html-templates-version-5-0 helpful

    You can obtain the shared.zip template package and the HTML Template Guide.pdf file from that link.
    Please keep us posted if this resource was helpful to complete your intended workflow.

    Kind regards,
