Manage SCORMs at faculty level / Adding and Replacing SCORM uploaded by other user

Is it possible to manage the SCORMs that are available to instructors? Or to add/replace a SCORM added by a different user?
What I want is to manage all the SCORMs at faculty level, so that Instructors can add them to their courses at will by just selecting them from a list of available packages.
Right now it looks like when a user uploads a SCORM, only that user can (re)add or update the package.
Hi @Lars.v.3917 ,
Thank you for reaching us through community!!
The question you have raised depends on the SCORM package setting while imported (might need to share the object with other instructors) as given in document -
You need to provide instructor with "Can manage shared objects" permission to manage objects that have been shared to their current location, even if they don't own them.
NOTE: Enabling this permission will give access for all instructors across the site.
Thanks. Turned out to be the option to share a SCORM was disabled for our Institution. It's now enabled.
Together with the option to Manage shared objects for our faculty admins it looks like we'll get all the functionality we wished for regarding managing and sharing SCORMs on a faculty level.