Embedding self-assessment in a page in a lesson

Susannah.M.8863 Posts: 2 New Community Member

I'm creating a quicklink to a multi-select self-assessment.

My first problem is when I'm testing the link it goes to the Editing view instead of the self-assessment itself. Is there something in the self-assessment I need to enable to have it show as I want students to see it?

My second question is if I can generate embed code for the self-assessment so that students can do the self assessment without having to go out of the lesson.

Thank you!


  • Hello Susannah!

    Thank you for connecting with us!

    Regarding the first issue, it seems the problem might be related to your role in the course offering. As a user with editing permissions, you may not experience the self-assessment the same way a learner would. Could you try accessing the self-assessment using a learner account or switching your role to a learner? If you have the necessary permissions, you can follow these instructions: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/2733-view-your-course-using-a-different-role

    For your second inquiry, could you confirm how you’re adding the self-assessment? Are you adding it through the content module, or embedding it as a link within an HTML document?

    Thank you